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Two Birds One Coin

Use USDT — Now on Solana Network!

Use USDT — Now on Solana Network!

You all love Solana for its speed and low network fees. Now, you can enjoy even more transactions on this blockchain because we've added USDT to Solana!

What will you get?


To avoid paying to use USDT on the Ethereum network, switch to other networks. With NC Wallet, you can choose from four blockchains: Binance Smart Chain, Tron, Polygon, and now Solana!

Two-in-one offer

We've already given you at least 4 reasons why Solana beats the competition — it's time to add one more. You'll get all the benefits of the Solana blockchain — and you'll also enjoy all of Tether stablecoin’s advantages.

You all love Solana for its speed and low network fees. Now, you can enjoy even more transactions on this blockchain because we've added USDT to Solana!

Head to your wallet, add USDT on Solana, and stay on the winning side!


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