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USDT on TON Network Is Here!

USDT on TON Network Available

The world’s most popular stablecoin on one of the fastest-growing networks — is now available for every NC Wallet user! We’ve started supporting transactions with USDT on the TON blockchain.

The TON network has recently gained momentum, promising incredible speed (with a record of 104 715 transactions per second) and seamless integration with the Telegram messenger. With NC Wallet, you can enjoy all the listed advantages as well as our additional perks, such as easy swaps for 25+ cryptocurrencies, daily bonuses on balance, and zero transaction fees. Just deposit USDT on TON or exchange any of your coins for it — right in your wallet.

Apart from TON, in our user-friendly app, users can make any transactions with USDT on Ethereum, Polygon, Binance Smart Chain, and TRON. NC Wallet enables switching from one crypto to another in one move. To get acquainted with the full list of supported currencies, visit the page.

Experience the convenience of using USDT on the TON Network in NC Wallet. Get started and enjoy a seamless and secure transaction experience.


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