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MATIC is Already Available!

NC Wallet Now Supports Polygon

NC Wallet Now Supports Polygon

The first Polygon-based currency is already available on NC Wallet! We’ve expanded the list of supported networks and now you have access to MATIC. Make any transactions with the new token — receive, send, or swap — in a few clicks and with almost zero fees.

With MATIC in your wallet, you get all the advantages of Polygon:


Fast transactions


Network fee of a fraction of a cent


Easy access to the world of NFT because on Polygon you can create and sell your non-fungible tokens with a minimum network fee.

NC Wallet is opening the doors to give you a new level of flexibility. Choose from different currencies, switch among networks in seconds, and manage your assets without limits.

Add MATIC to your wallet and expand your crypto horizons with Polygon


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NC Wallet is all about users' convenience — which is why we always strive to make our wallet even better! In the past, we have already expanded our supported cryptocurrency list and added many popular Ethereum-based tokens(coins). But now we want to ask you what cryptocurrencies you want to see in the wallet next.