
Token List Update: Take a Look!
Greater crypto freedom for all NC Wallet users! Welcome new tokens and networks for already supported cryptocurrencies: PEPE, UNI, DAI, and LDO on Ethereum, UNI, DAI, LINK, and APE on BNB Smart Chain, and DAI on Polygon. Check out updated possibilities opening within the all-in-one NC Wallet:

What is Token?
The cryptocurrency world consists of many terms. But by far the word that gets confused the most is token. Are they the same as the crypto coins that we hear so much about? Or is it something completely different? In this article, you will find the answers to all these questions.

Most Popular Tokens Already Available on NC Wallet
The world of cryptocurrency is huge and has so many tokens for you to check and try. Now you can easily explore their wide variety and always have a safe space for storing together with an innovative NC Wallet solution!