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  • FAQ
  • How to get verified?

How to get verified?

To complete verification and confirm your identity and address, you need to provide necessary info and upload documents and photos in the NC Wallet app interface. The process is simple:

1. Open NC Wallet main menu , select Profile and go to Verification section

1.1 To verify your identity:

  • Fill in your full name, as written on your ID document
  • Fill in your date of birth

1.2 To verify your address (if requested):

  • Fill in your full address: country, city, address, and postal code.

2. Upload photos or scans of necessary documents to confirm the info above.

After you provide the necessary data and upload the documents, the information will be submitted for review, and verification status will be changed to “Under review”. You may be asked to reupload or provide additional documents.

After your documents have been verified, you'll see a green label “Verified” in the Verification section of the app.

We process your personal information according to our Privacy Policy.