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NC Wallet News

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Small changes matter

PayMe! Get Paid Easy

NC Wallet is aimed at simplifying payments and making your crypto experience cloudless. We understand that crypto wallet addresses may look a bit unfriendly, and there is always a risk of making a mistake when copying them. Take a look at how NC Wallet is changing this with the new friendly PayMe links.

One moment to create

Now, with a few taps, you can create friendly PayMe links that are easy to remember and convenient to use. Instead of copying a wallet address, simply share the link to get paid.

Reusable and created for different wallet addresses

Choose currency and network once — a reusable link for the selected wallet address is ready. Use it as many times as you want.

Specify the amount if needed

For additional convenience, you can enter the amount of currency for payment. To learn more about using PayMe links and get step-by-step instructions, go to the FAQ section.

Experience extra simplicity and safety with NC Wallet!


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Buy Crypto With Card in NC Wallet!
The most anticipated feature has arrived! Now, purchasing coins and tokens is as easy as ordering your morning cup of coffee. Here are the five significant advantages:
Confirm Transactions in a Flash With Telegram
Don’t let extra steps and codes spoil your crypto experience! Two-factor authentication (2FA) is an essential part of safe crypto transactions, but it may be annoying. Switching to an authentication app, invalid codes, or backup of secret keys — forget about any inconvenience and prepare to say: “Wow”. We’ve found a way to ease interaction with your crypto wallet.
TRON Fees Reduced to Zero!
Big News! We’ve optimised our contract interaction on the TRON blockchain, and now all transactions over 100 USDT are completely fee-free! Plus, we’ve also reduced the fees on smaller transactions, helping you save even more on every transfer.