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  • FAQ
  • How to edit or delete an IP address from the Blocked or Allowed IPs list?

How to edit or delete an IP address from the Blocked or Allowed IPs list?

To edit/delete an IP address from the Blocked/Allowed IPs list:

      1. On the NC Wallet main screen, click three lines ;
      2. Select Security;
      3. In the Sessions section, click the Blocked IPs or Allowed IPs;
      4. Click the address you want to edit/delete;

To edit:

      5. Edit details;
      6. Click Save;
      7. Enter the 2FA code to confirm this action — the IP address has been edited.

To delete:

      5. Click the Delete button;
      6. Click Yes, if you are sure you want to delete this IP;
      7. Enter the 2FA code to confirm this action — the IP address has been deleted from the list.